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FixyTrade Partners

Partner with FixyTrade and earn 30% recurring commission.

Why you’ll love being a partner

High earning potential.

You’ll earn a 30% commission every month that your referred customer stays with us. That means if you send us fifteen customers who pay $24.95/month, you’ll earn $112 every month!

Make an impact on your audience.

FixyTrade is the simplest and most trader-friendly platform on the market and the easiest way for your audience to take the leap and start earning money by trading.

We love️ our partners.

Our famous customer service isn’t just for our customers; as a FixyTrade partner, we’re here to help you every step of the way with answers, resources, and support for anything you need.

“Of all of the affiliate partners that I’ve worked with, nobody goes above and beyond like FixyTrade. Their team is amazing, and they bend over backwards to make their affiliates successful!”

— Tyler Sven, Partner for 1 year


FixyTrade helps traders around the world earn money from their trading.

 FixyTrade is your all-in-one trading co-pilot platform where you can analyze your trading, check your trader score and hundreds of other features in one place.

– FixyTrade is the most trader-friendly platform on the market, with zero transaction fees and super-friendly 24/7 live customer support (no matter what plan you’re on!).

– FixyTrade eliminates the technical headaches by handling everything for you, including trading automation, tags, goals, and more. No third-party apps required.

 FixyTrade has a free trial with no credit card required…so if you don’t love it, you don’t pay a penny.

Join the Partners program

When you join the program, you’ll get a unique URL that you can use to share FixyTrade with your friends and audience. Every time a trader signs up for FixyTrade using your URL and maintains a paid account for 30 days, you’ll start getting paid!

The Fine Print

There are a few rules about the Partners program you should know about. No “gotchas” here, just some terms to keep everyone happy.

How and when will I get paid?

Payouts are made on the first of each month, at least 30 days after the referred customer converted from a trial to a paid account. So if your referred customer upgrades their account on January 3rd, you’d be paid on March 1st. The minimum balance for payouts is $50. Payouts are made through PayPal only.

Can I refer myself?

Self-referrals are not allowed. The spirit of the program is to reward you for referring other people. This is not a way to get a discount on your own account.

Can I advertise using my referral link?

You may not use your affiliate link in any search engine ads, Facebook ads, or anything similar that would compete with FixyTrade’s marketing and cause confusion for potential customers. Abuse, gaming, and policy violations will result in having your account banned and any existing and future commissions forfeited.

Can I split my commission with someone I'm referring?

Commission sharing (i.e. offering “cash back” to traders for signing up using your link) is not allowed.

Is there anything else I should know?

We reserve the right to change the terms of the Partners program at any time. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to the program!